History of triathlon

History of triathlon

Triathlon is one of the most popular Olympic disciplines in the world, this discipline includes 1500 meters of swimming, 40 kilometers of cycling and 10 kilometers of cross-country skiing, which is done consecutively. History of Triathlon in the world The first triathlon was held in France in 1921 under the name of the triathlon, in […]

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What is Water Skiing ?

Water skiing is a kind of water sport. The athlete, while skiing on his feet, is pulled on the water by motorized watercraft at a speed of about thirty kilo-meters per hour. The competition field is two hundred meters long and twenty meters wide, which is closed by floating balls and is marked with a […]

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Different types of surfing

Types of surfing and its description

In last week’s article, we talked about surfing in its entirety. Today we want to examine the types of this sport together. Longboarding Surfboards have different lengths and characteristics that we have discussed in detail in the equipment and surfing equipment. The range we are dealing with in this type of surfing is about 3 […]

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Familiarity with the sport of surfing

The wave of sport riding is exciting, enjoyable and at the same time challenging. Riding on the waves of the sea and uniting with the power of nature is an experience that frees your mind from the outside world. Surfing, on the other hand, is the best exercise for hoping and trying to overcome external […]

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Benefits of swimming for the body

Exercising the whole body Swimming uses all muscle groups in the body. A person should use the muscles of the arms, legs, torso and abdomen to swim. Increase cardiovascular strength Cardiovascular exercises are exercises that use the heart, lungs and vascular system of the body. Swimming is part of this group of sports. Swimming lowers […]

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Types of swimming(Part 2)

In the last article, we talked about different types of swimming. Today we want to continue this discussion, because there is no need to talk about jet ski rental in Toronto or boat rental in Toronto. Crawl back Backstroke crawl swimming is like a frog swim, but the person’s face is upwards instead of downwards. […]

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Different type of swimming

Types of swimming

They do swimming in different ways. Some types of swimming are: Crawl swimming As you pass your hand through the water, your hand should follow a pattern like a deformed S. The stretch of your hand should accelerate as it passes. End with a strong blow. Since your legs do not produce much thrust compared […]

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What is swimming?

Everything you need to know about swimming!

Swimming is the skill or sport of staying afloat and moving in the water. Swimming means moving humans, animals without any outside help in the water. Learning to swim, in addition to strengthening the body, will save a person’s life in an emergency and a sudden fall into the water. Many animals are instinctively able […]

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